My goals for 2019

I have many goals each year but I am going to tell you four of them. The first one is the same goal every year because is the most important for me. My first goal for 2019 is mostly to be happy. You can be always happy because you have to live emotions and drama, but you can reduce those bad emotions and drama. I am that person who takes a lot of importance for little things but sometimes those littles things become big and toxic in your life. This year, I am going to do my best to eliminate the negativity and toxic people in my life. I am also going to help as many people as possible. 

My second goal is to have a great R score in college. I do not really know what I want to do for my career and I hesitate between two programs (sciences nat or sciences, letters and arts). I know that I like to undertake and I really like health and helping people but I also like sciences (chemistry and physics) and mathematics. Probably during those two years, I will get to know myself better and do the best choices for my happiness.

My third goal is to restart my business with my best friend and to do a new collection. We want to do underwear. In addition, we want to improve our quality and the logo. My best friend and I stopped our business because we did not have enough time to work on it and the money to invest it.  Now we can invest more money in the company because we both have a job. 

Finally, my fourth goal is to travelling more this summer because as you can know travel is my way to live and I want to enjoy each day of my life. I want to travel with family and my friends. In the beginning of summer, my parents want to go in Paris and after, I am going to Florida with my friends.

↣I hope this year will be my year and the next years too.↢


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